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Zenith 9S262 - What have I done now?

I could be wrong as I am not really into brand Z sets, other then members of the T.O series, but I think that these used ST style tubes much like the 1937-38 Philcos, not metal tubes. Unlike the 1938 Philcos you can fit metal and GT style tubes in there without butchering anything. The original tube shields were also cylindrical and painted to match the chassis, not bare aluminum, so those appear to be missing. None of this really affects the performance of course just the appearance.
The missing eye tube bracket looks like a large cable or conduit clamp like you would find in the electrical department of a home center. I'm sure that I have seen something like that in my junk at one point so I don't think it was special made for brand Z.
I love the way the fitted the extension on the volume control, equally amusing is the U.L approved Scotch tape wrapped around the wires going to the power switch.

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RE: Zenith 9S262 - What have I done now? - by Arran - 07-05-2013, 12:56 AM

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