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Zenith 9S262 - What have I done now?

Okay, so returning briefly to this set...

I pulled the chassis out of the cabinet again today. As soon as I set it on the bench, the dial glass fell off, since it only had one clamp sort of holding it in place. Luckily, I caught it before it had a chance to break. Whew!


A week ago (or was it two?), a CARE package arrived from Phorum member "thirtiesradio." Thanks, Keith! Icon_biggrin


After taking this photo, I packed the AM shutters and the disk for "Off-Local-Distance" back up, as I am not yet ready to use these.

I took the upper clamp piece and attached it to the lower part of the clamp which holds the eye tube in place. Just for fun, I reinstalled the dead 6T5 also:




Remember that potentiometer that was connected to nothing, just taking up space where the off-on-local-distance switch should go?


Well, I had a few special switches that I had bought on eBay a couple years ago for use in Philco 19 and 89 sets. This combines an off-on switch for AC power with a two pole, three position rotary switch. Using one of the two pole sections for local-distance, and the AC switch for power, this will be an excellent replacement for the original off-on-local-distance switch once I wire it into the circuit:


The switch will require a coupler and extension so the shaft will be long enough. I see Radio Daze sells both, so I'll have to make an order soon.

I also purchased a dial glass gasket from Mark Palmquist. Using that, and the second dial glass clamp from "thirtiesradio," I put the dial glass back on the chassis. It now looks like this:


I also figured out where the dial lamp was supposed to be mounted, and put it back into its proper place.

The chassis is back in the cabinet again. Sometime in the near future, I'll work on this some more.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Messages In This Thread
RE: Zenith 9S262 - What have I done now? - by Ron Ramirez - 07-28-2013, 04:10 PM

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