10-08-2013, 04:33 PM
I went wandering today to get away from the house and visited a guy in Canton that I know who has all those radios stored in his back room. One radio I looked at and have walked past numerous times was a Midwest console that I originally thought to be postwar. He has two Midwest consoles, but this one although a bit large, always seemed plainer to me. I didn't have my camera, but I think it is a model Z-18 as it is an 18 tube chassis and has the half-round dial along with the push buttons. It uses two 5Y3 rectifiier tubes and four 6V6 tubes as outputs. They look correct and the radio seemed complete, though I only saw the main speaker. Guess there might be a tweeter up under the angled chassis board that I missed. Anyways, if this guy is willing to sell, what would be a fair price? Also, would this be a good alternative to trying to find a Scott? I like the beast and the cabinet looks good on it yet.
No matter where you go, there you are.