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My Next Project - worse than the last?


One more pic... here it is after using the burlap cloth and a dental pick.

Yup.. I said dental pick.. Sometimes little things get overlooked on forums because it's hard to post each little step. If you are doing this for the first time, you will find that grain filler gets into every crack, crevice and joint. Once the cabinet is clean, and I mean really clean... you gotta go over it with a dental pick (or similar tool) and clean out all of the corners and crevices that need to be sharp. The only place grain filler needs to be is in the grain... Now it needs to dry overnight..

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

Messages In This Thread
My Next Project - worse than the last? - by Jamie - 10-15-2013, 02:12 PM
RE: My Next Project - worse than the last? - by Jamie - 10-17-2013, 01:14 PM

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