11-09-2013, 10:21 PM
I would ask Bob Anderson about Motorola VT71 sets, he must have restored a 1/2 dozen sets by now using some version of that chassis, there were at least six or seven changes made to it during the VT71's production run. It's a 7'' electrostatic tube, a 7JP4, the odds are if the filament has continuity it can be made to work and produce a picture. The repro gaskets are not currently available new, but I'm sure that someone could find a way to cast one if they had a good one to make a mold from. The high voltage caps are also available from WJOE radio, I don't know what values they have but the prices are reasonable, those have to be replaced first, then the selenium rectifiers and electrolytics in the voltage doubler, then the usual paper caps and resistors.