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Zenith Stratosphere 1000Z Reproduction Cabinet

I thank you guys for all your kind compliments here. I sincerely appreciate it.
Now that I have joined here, I can reply to many things that were said around Radio City, but I won't get into it too deep.
Out of 123 post on the OTHER forum, only about four of them were floundering amongst the extremely respectful and kind ones offered there. All four of those were from Eddie Bauer,..I , I , I mean Brimer.
He gently states that my workmanship is good, but powers full steam ahead to call my cabinet a fake. Even after about 12 post stating that I mark all my duplications,.. he still just kept repeating himself.
His latest offer of constructive criticism to keep the thread alive, is his questioning the hours I claim to have put in on the project. Once again, even after I sent emails and others stated, that those hours included making patterns for every single piece on the cabinet, documentation of measurements, drawings , and all the time it took to create the Strat bible,.... hand made parts and inlay, he still insist that 700 hours was a chin scratcher.
Well, I am certainly glad to be here, and the only reason I would even think of joining another forum is because of Ron Ramirez. He is gentleman of fine integrity and a great friend.
I thank you gentlemen for the nice welcome,and once again the compliments. I also appreciate you all allowing me to clear up a few things about the Strat project.
I wish you all the best of these Happy Holidays.
I sincerely believe 2014 is to be a great year for all of us.
Merry Christmas,
Kenneth Richmond, Jr.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Zenith Stratosphere 1000Z Reproduction Cabinet - by Richmond Designs - 12-13-2013, 11:03 AM

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