07-14-2014, 10:49 AM
There should be a spring adjustment on the underside of the tone arm, often it amounts to removing the hook of an expansion spring from one hole and placing it in another. According to RadioTVPhonoNut the audiophools apparently decided that the cartridge you mentioned was desirable for some confounded reason. Most of the school record players that I can remember sounded pretty much like any other portable record player, acceptable but far from Hi Fi, they were either Califones or Audiotronics built rigs, no Newcombs.
There should be a spring adjustment on the underside of the tone arm, often it amounts to removing the hook of an expansion spring from one hole and placing it in another. According to RadioTVPhonoNut the audiophools apparently decided that the cartridge you mentioned was desirable for some confounded reason. Most of the school record players that I can remember sounded pretty much like any other portable record player, acceptable but far from Hi Fi, they were either Califones or Audiotronics built rigs, no Newcombs.