08-21-2014, 11:57 PM
I started this thread here as I work mostly with a Philco radios.
Can someone (most likely, it is going to be Kirk) tell me the difference between pumice, rottenstone, waxing and just compounding.I do the latter.We both lay the lacquer heavily, at least 4-5 coats,let it cure for a few weeks, then sand it down to at least 1200, sometimes 2000 grit. After that, the different procedures start taking place.Does the pumice method create finish closer to the original or it is just a method of choice of the professional cabinet makers? I know for sure it does take definitely more elbow grease but if it is better I am in for it. Thanks.
Can someone (most likely, it is going to be Kirk) tell me the difference between pumice, rottenstone, waxing and just compounding.I do the latter.We both lay the lacquer heavily, at least 4-5 coats,let it cure for a few weeks, then sand it down to at least 1200, sometimes 2000 grit. After that, the different procedures start taking place.Does the pumice method create finish closer to the original or it is just a method of choice of the professional cabinet makers? I know for sure it does take definitely more elbow grease but if it is better I am in for it. Thanks.