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my 4 tube battery set 39-70 has 5 tubes and an AC cord??

I'd like to start by thanking everyone for the much needed and heeded information and advice from everyone. I am very new to this hobby/obsession and to quote my girlfriend I'm "eat up with it" lol. Arran it most certainly was not my intention to offend by using the word purist. Having not been involved with this activity for decades like some on here, I am forced to educate myself through the literature I can find and the kindness of strangers on forums like this. A lot of people who post on these forums give the unseasoned eye the impression that it would be in poor taste to make a wire substitution with something not made by a blacksmith and insulated with seventy year old textiles. It has been my experience that those inflexible few are but a small percentage of the growing number of passionate people involved in breathing life back into these magic boxes that pull words and music out of the air with glowing globes of glass and magic. I started this endevor because I wanted to restore my grandparent's 1934 Philco 45L lowboy which has had a prominate place in my home my whole life. It holds a lot of wonderful memories of my childhood in the 60's. Not wishing to cause it more harm than good, I bought two basket case radios, a hairs breath from the landfil for thirty dollars to learn on and make my bones before tackling the heirloom. My other basket case is a 37-93 with a hole in the top you can put a fist through and a speaker with about two square inches of cone left. Both of these have been quite the learning experience. One of them I think lived in a swamp and the other is a puzzle that is absolutely facinating. There is much more about this chassis and set up that I don't know then what I know. I'll ride the train for a while until it looks like it's going off a cliff and then at that point I'll make a different plan...perhaps with a different chassis. I've now kind of become attached to this redhead of a radio so I'll keep everybody posted on what happens. I'm making a wire diagram of what's in place and compare it with the info from David and mikethedruid and compare with the tube info then go from there. I am definitely open to anyone's suggestions here and thanks again to everyone

Messages In This Thread
RE: my 4 tube battery set 39-70 has 5 tubes and an AC cord?? - by DanH6464 - 10-31-2014, 01:44 AM

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