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I paid $20 for this old oscilloscope, which was sold for parts because it wouldn't power up. When it arrived, I figured out what was wrong with that, and at first, nothing on the scope, but after a while, I somehow figured out how to get that going. I think it's OK! However, I know nothing about the controls, beyond "intensity", "focus", and the time setting knob, that changes it from a moving dot to a solid line (are you smiling by now?) Anyway, I know they published an instruction booklet for this. I bought something that just turned out to be a spec's brochure, etc. Does anyone know where I could find an instruction manual for this scope? Or maybe there's some general oscilloscope info out there? Can anyone tell me what I need in the way of probes/cables, how many, and where to get them? Thanks in anticipation for any information you can share!

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