02-01-2015, 06:57 PM
umm warren
he is telling you what you have but your not listening
Quote:[Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/uploads/av...1330122423]
Ron Ramirez [Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/buddy_offline.png]
[Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png][Image: http://philcoradio.com/phorum/images/star.png]
1 hour ago
Who are "they"?
It doesn't matter what "they" say.
he is telling you what you have but your not listening
Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift