04-04-2015, 11:12 PM
(04-04-2015, 07:52 PM)PhilcoJohn Wrote: Fred thumbs up man!
Thank you all for the complements on my work, I always loved antique radios and have messed around with them since I was 13 or so. I haven't had a lot of time to restore them even though I have restored a hand full with the help of an old friend who owned his own electronic communication business and had shut the doors 5 years ago. I have been painting high end cars for the last 15 years, lost my job 6 months ago and now trying to find new job . Its been kinda tuff to do that being 57 and feeling somewhat tired lately. Im going to get a physical next week at the veterans hospital here in Dallas , haven't had one in long time. I fell in love with a admiral console radio when I was 13 . My first radio , payed 2.00$ at garage sale and hauled it home in my radio flyer wagon. That was back in 1971. Believe it or not I still have the radio and just gave it a tune up and paint job, its hard to believe I still have it after all those years. I will post pics of admiral console Thanks again All for the nice comments on my radios. Admiral is 1937 model 11s I think.