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All Things Come To Those Who Wait.. (Radiola Sr.)

Many years ago, when I was 16, my cousin who also had an interest in electronics had been given a Radiola Sr. in excellent condition. He was going to throw away the guts since they were "old junk" and he was into the latest electronics. All he wanted was the nice wooden box it came in. I bought the guts from him for $5, and have had it ever since. I mounted it on a board, and have had it working for years. Lately I have been using VT-24 tubes with vintage adapters, and they work very well.

I have thought about getting a case made for it, but it never came to much. I have also kept my eyes open to see if I could ever find a case. Over the years I have learned that the last version of the Westinghouse Aeriola Sr. and the Radiola Sr. are virtually the same radio. Well, I finally found an Aeriola Sr. case for sale on ePay, and managed to buy it VERY reasonably.

I removed the paper label, and cleaned up the case, inserted my Radiola guts, and screwed on the Radiola nameplate. I had even saved the original tiny screws to mount it.



So, now my Radiola Senior has as close to an original case as I am ever likely to find for it. It works quite well for a one tube regenerative radio. Using 30 feet of 16 gauge stranded wire strung along the ceiling molding of my living room, and a good ground, I am able to pick up WOR in New York, a station up in Canada, and many other distant stations, as well as all the local AM stations. I was very surprised when I first began to use it. By keeping the set right on the verge of oscillation, the sensitivity and selectivity rise sharply, allowing some amazing results.

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All Things Come To Those Who Wait.. (Radiola Sr.) - by mikethedruid - 05-17-2015, 05:57 PM

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