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All Things Come To Those Who Wait.. (Radiola Sr.)

Mike (Morzh): at least it's better than waiting for tanks to chase you across the Ukraine! 

Mike (Druid): ahhh, go ahead and drive it into oscillation, then wait for all the wonderful comments from your neighbors about all the ________ (bad word) static on the radio!! 

I often entertain myself with my 800-watt spark transmitter equipped with a directional antenna, especially at radio-controlled airplane meets and ESPECIALLY when I see one of those pesky drones with "we're from the government, and we're here to help" painted on the sides. 

But TENGA CUIDADO, amigos....... as 800 watt spark transmitters have a nasty habit of bouncing off the ionosphere and blasting clouds open, causing them to dump billions of gallons of water on unsuspecting people thousands of miles away..... like (ahem, I know NOTHING about what caused the flooding) Texas. 

In parting, I would like to start a petition to support changing the title of Werner Von Braun's biography from I Aim For The Stars  to the more appropriate I Aim For The Stars, But Sometimes I Hit London. 

And now..... I shall go out in the garage and smoke a cigarette, which is weird, because I don't smoke.     

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RE: All Things Come To Those Who Wait.. (Radiola Sr.) - by TA Forbes - 06-03-2015, 08:51 AM

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