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how to make leather handle for a 46-350 darker

This is a real sweet set when you get it running. I filled in the slots where the handle used to be with wood plugs on one set, and also pulled off the distressed leatherette on the sides, filled and stained the wood and then finished everything with (cough) satin polyetheryne. Touched up the woodwork with a little artist's oil paint to maintan the hue a day in advance of this. My camera is dead, but I will post a picture when I get a new onel

Result, a nice table radio, presentable and sounds great. Really, you don't need a handle, because you're not going to take it to the beach. I summaraily removed the battery/Ac switchm and all associated wiring. If anyone needs these parts, I haven't thrown them out . Of course I recapped it, and found I needed to add about 200 ohms between the final capacitor to filament string to get the voltage down so I can get good life out of the tubes. If the 117Z3 fails in the future, I will replace it with a diode, and add an additional dropping resistor to keep things straight.

Because this set has a RF amplifier, it is really sensitive. With a 2 foot tuned loop, it is absolutely remarkable. All in all a nice radio. I have two of 'em.

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