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My Museum Quality Philco Console 37-690 Radio

 Don't forget that whomever was selling that did NOT get $3300 in their pocket, between all the fees fleabay charges, especially the final value one, lob at least 20% off of that, then there is the time you spend taking pictures, putting the listing together, packing the set and or arranging shipping. I for one wouldn't even bother dealing with fleabay, even if it meant taking a so called "loss", since you do all the work and fleabay makes all the money, post it in the ARC or one one of these sites, or take it to a swap meet. The only way to make money in this hobby, and sometimes just to break even, is either to do some or all of your own work, or be very lucky, or both. You won't find many antique car guys talk about getting their money back from what they put into a car, it just does not happen very much, the guys who make most of the money are the restoration shops and the auctions, period.
 Someone on another thread brought up catalin sets, well the days of selling a catalin radio for anything approaching the mid four figures have been over for years, you can thank catalinradio dot com for bursting that bubble. As for brand Z Waltons, that's debatable, the ones priced anywhere near that 38-690 have usually been sitting and getting relisted for months if not years. Much like the catalins you have to be careful, there are ones where a cheaper or more common model had a larger console chassis mated to it's cabinet to make a six tube set into a more desirable twelve tube set.

Messages In This Thread
RE: My Museum Quality Philco Console 38-690 Radio - by Arran - 08-22-2015, 11:48 PM

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