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Newbie buys EMC 213 + tubes - has Several Questions

Hello Newbie Here - Not versed much on the world of Tubes.
I just bought an EMC 213 Tube Tester and a Box of Tubes at a Garage Sale and found this site. It was too cheap to pass up for a Gadget Curious Guy.
I downloaded the Manual and Tube Chart but have several things I dont understand.

1. In the Tube Chart - there is often more that one entry with different settings for the same number tube - why is that ?

2. Instructions say to test for Short first.

Example -
Tube 12BE6 E 3 1-5-7 22
Tube 12BE6 E 3 5-6-7 55 OK over Diode

I understand the settings etc.

The same tube on both settings lights the neon light on short test on 4.
Per Instructions I do not flip switches 1 5 7 or 5 6 7.
BUT Both Settings when Quality checked shows the tubes as Good.

I have no knowledge of weather the tubes were Supposed to be good or not. I also have no knowledge of weather the tester is supposed to be functioning fine or not. The Person at the Garage sale said "never messed with it because I have no idea of how to use it".

Some of the Other tubes in the box that I have had time to mess with show the same scenario with short test showing short but tubes testing OK.

Can Tubes that indicate a short still test OK ??
If shorted should they just be discarded ?
If YES - should they be recycled ? Unsure whats inside of them (Mercury etc ) ?

3. Does a Darkened area inside the tube glass always indicate a bad tube or does it just happen because of heat and the Tube can still be good ?

Its been fun and fascinating cleaning up the tester and figuring it out. I remember the 5 cent tester machines at the Variety when I was a kid. I often see old tubes for little or nothing at Sales but had no reason to pick them up. Any Tips appreciated about Tubes or the Use of my Machine appreciated. I think I'm using it correctly - Hoping to figure out if all is right with the tester so I have a reason to pick them up when I see them. Dont tell the wife. LOL


Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints

Messages In This Thread
Newbie buys EMC 213 + tubes - has Several Questions - by Mstuf - 08-27-2015, 04:09 PM

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