09-29-2015, 10:51 PM
That may be exactly what it says it is, a Scott Marine radio. From what I have seen moral, general purpose communications receivers, transceivers, and anything else radio related usually had a plate on it saying something like "U.S Department of The Navy, Bureau of Ships" or "U.S Army", which would then rattle off what model it was, when it was made, and whom the contractor was. In Canada they were badged with similar plates stating R.C.A (Royal Canadian Army not Radio Corporation), R.C.A.F, or R.C.N, and then the various specs. It was no doubt based on a war time design but was probably a civilized version rather then built for the U.S Navy under contract, I notice that it has a red plate much like post war Scott radio would have. It's rather like those steel cabinet "Minerva" portables that turn up from time to time, the originals were designed and built as moral radios, but after the war the company kept on building them and marketing them on the civilian market, at least until the company went broke.