11-19-2015, 09:54 PM
Cabinet is now ready for the black lacquer base coat, surface of cabinet is completely smooth and flat, many hours of prime and block sanding was preformed, there are no open pores in wood, 99% of any irregularities in surface have been taken care of. All of the trim and moldings also have been done. Inside cabinet has been cleaned and sanded for zenith dark blue paint, that will be done after the outside has been (painted) (polished ) and reassembled. Polishing must be done before the radio (control panel ) and vertical bars are reinstalled I will post more pictures as I start the painting process The speaker has been stripped of all old paint and now is in primer sufacer. It will be sanded smooth and painted as well, probably the zenith copper color to keep it looking some what factory and will be rewired. The black powdery stuff on the gray primer is called guide coat, when sanding the primer it guides you showing you all the high and low spots on surface, such as nicks, pin hole , scratches, pores in the wood , just as you do on a automobile or fine furniture prior to painting to give you the finest results.