11-23-2015, 07:19 AM
I picked up this great unit yesterday since I need a record player for the den. It was not working when I tested it in the store so I got it nice and cheap. I dismantled it last night and found that the rubber grommets on the motor mount had literally melted causing the idler wheel to drop so it was not touching the turntable. I put in new grommets but the player was still not functioning. I was going to rebuild the unit anyway so I pulled the chassis and mech last night and went to work. I dismantled the mechanical parts and cleaned all the pivot points, spindles, and gears. I re-lubed it and put it back together. The player had a few caps so those were replaced too. I put everything back together after washing the cabinet real well. She is now fully functioning....ish.... I am only having one problem with low volume. I am hoping it is something easy and not the cartridge. I checked the 12AV6 tube and it is good. I didnt think to check the 50L6 or the 35W4. I am getting sound from the speaker so we shall see.
Here are a few pics. No pic after rebuilding the mech. I was too tired,
Here are a few pics. No pic after rebuilding the mech. I was too tired,
Times I have been electrocuted in 2021
As of 1/01/2021
AC: 4 DC: 1
Last year: 6