The two sections (provided they are physically the same size) are symmetrical and one end of either is grounded so if they decided to swap them places for convenience, provided they adhered to the sch otherwise, it is fine.
However if they swapped places the whole wired sections, one fully wired for oscillator and another for loop antenna, this is not fine.
We are flogging a dead mare here

1. Trace the schematic seeing if the capacitor A5 is wired instead of A6 (that is to antenna loop, cap #16 and pin 6 of 7A8) and A6 wired in opposite, connecting as A5 should (in parallel to 33 xfmer, in series with cap 15 to pin 4 of 7A8, and other parts, like res. 19). If it is the case AND you see the both sides of the cap are exact same size (there are uneven dual tuning caps) you are fine.
2. If not, and whole sections intended for oscillator, described above connected to the wrong pins of 7A8, that is the section of the cap connected to 33 transformer goes to pin 6 and not 4 and the section connected to the antenna loop goes to pin 4 and not 6 - you have it wired wrong and it needs to be reconciled with the sch.
Let's not discuss it further before you make sure of that and have a clear picture of what is there in your chassis.
Let us know when you have it figured out.