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Wonderful course for newbies...

I have seen a lot of people new to antique radio repair, and some to antique electronics in general. I found this link to a posting on Nostalgia Air of the old N.R.I. certification course. I've looked at it, and it reminds me a lot of the curriculum at electronics "A" school in the Navy. I think it may be of great help to you. I know I am going to run through it as a review of things I have grown fuzzy on over the years through lack of use.

If you are a self-taught "technician" like me, courses like this one are invaluable. 

I have the complete 1940 NRI course, and many other similar publications. This is not rocket science. My advice to any of you out there is !!!   

I'm getting a 404 error when I click the links.  Icon_sad

The link is working fine for me, but you can try going through Nostalgia Air's main website, click "references" then "tips and training" and find "NRI's 1931 Certified Radio-Trician's Course" under the "tutorials" heading. Nostalgia Air's main page is  .

some of the site is working other parts  nri is not  as I get 404 error too


Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift

I find it odd that some folks are getting a 404 error. I have tried the link to the page using another computer which I had never gone to it before on, just in case it was cached on my machine, but, nope, it worked fine on that one too. I use Firefox as my browser. I am not sure why some folks seem to be having this problem.

I have tried several times but only get the "404" error too. I remember reading some of this course back in the 60's when I was a teenager. My dad took this course in the earlyn50's and still had it laying around the house. It was an excellent, in depth course. I loaned it out to a guy I worked with years ago and never got it back and now have no idea where he is.

Bendix 0626.      RCA 8BX5.   RCA T64
Philco 41-250.    Philco49-500
GE 201.             Philco 39-25
Motorola 61X13. Philco 46-42        Crosley 52TQ
Philco 37-116.    Philco 70
AK 35                Philco 46-350
Philco 620B.       Zenith Transoceanic B-600
Philco 60B.         Majestic 50
Philco 52-944.    AK 84

OK, now, for some reason, the only paghe I can get to is the front page of the NRI course. When I try to open any of the sub sections I too get a 404 error. Let me see if I can find a link to this course elsewhere.

sadly, I cannot find another link to a free site with a useful version of the NRI course. There is a 1929 one, but that would be too early really. There is a disc available on eBay of the 1948 course complete, including 40 extra pamphlets on "how to make money servicing radios." I will give that link in the "things for sale online" section of the Phorum, so go there to find that link.

Sounds like the search for the "missing link" is still ongoing...... 

The link here seems to work for me... I took the NRI course on radio repair about 1983 when I was out of work, unfortunately money got to tight so I couldn't finish it, being out of work and all. I still have most the course though in books.. I need to get them out and refresh on what I can learn. I remember they gave a digital meter with, it actually an expensive one at the time. Don't have that anymore though. This link looks pretty good though. A lot of info.

I took the NRI color TV - radio course a year or two after high school. I think I started in 1978 or 79, completing it in 1981. Unfortunately I no longer have any of the books; I even lost my diploma at some point over the years.

I do still have the oscilloscope I built as part of the course. I still have the manuals for it somewhere as well.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Hey Tom
Reminds me of a Three Stooges episode with Curly was the Missing Link!!


Folks, please bear in mind that NA's site suffered a serious outage back in May (hard drive failure) and Richard is still putting the site back together. Send him a few bucks via PayPal (he has a donation button). I'm sure it will be deeply appreciated.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks for the reminder, Ron. I just sent them a donation. How many times I go to that site for a quick check of a schematic when dealing with a question about a circuit on some odd radio, despite having the full Rider's and Bateman's manuals on disc, just because it is so fast and easy. I read about that catastrophe on the NA site. I hope this is of help to Richard getting things back up totally. It is a truly wonderful site.

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