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116B cap substitution?

 I have been slowly rebuilding the cap blocks and restuffing the paper caps on my 116B.
My question is can I use an .001 cap to replace the 1250uuf. cap? It is a typical tubular cap. #40 on the schematic which says it is a .00125. It is connected btwn. the 77det. and 76 osc. cathodes. Thanks

If you have a capacitance meter you could hand select from your stock and get one as close to .00125 as possible or a 1200pf in parallel with a 50pf would do the job just dandy.


I'd be a little surprised if it is a paper cap. Typically if the value is  in the uufd or mmfd and that it's in the rf section I'd bet it's a mica or perhaps a tubular ceramic.
Value wise don't know that you need to be dead on as it's coupling the osc output to the mixer. 50pf or so +/- probably isn't going to matter.
I would leave it. Not much voltage there, if it's shorted or or open it will cause the mixer to work won't burn out anything.


Thanks for the replies. that's what surprised me its a tubular paper cap about 2inches long. the part# on the cap is 30-4336p. I couldn't find that 3 on the philco capacitor parts value list. I was hoping to restuff it like the others. It is part number 40 on the schematic. I will try to post a picture.

Here is a pic of the under chassis. It is the cap at about 11 o'clock straight up from the large wire wound resistor

I used a .0015uf tubular from Just Radios in my 116X restoration.


Thanks Crist. I Think I will just leave it in for now like Terry suggested and make a note so if I encounter problems later I can revisit it. Side note; really enjoy working on this one.

(02-22-2016, 10:23 PM)Mike Wrote:  Thanks Crist. I Think I will just leave it in for now like Terry suggested and make a note so if I encounter problems later I can revisit it. Side note; really enjoy working on this one.

Gotta love those tar filled beauty's. Finished my 16B cath awhile back 13 all total. Icon_crazy

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