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46-250 Rectifier Wiring Question

Good morning,

I've recently ordered the better material from Mr. Schwark for this set because all I have paperwork for is the code 121 chassis and the tube lineup is different then my code 125. 121 schematic shows a 35Z5 rectifier and a 50L6 output and my 125 has a 35Y4 and 50B5 respectively. This is no problem because with socket changes either will work but I don't want to change the original configuration of the set.

All I have to go by at this time is a 35Z5 and between pins 2 and 3 on the tube itself I read 7.8 ohms. Because of the similar electrical characteristics to the 35Y4 I'm guessing that between pins 1 and 4 of this tube would be somewhat similar. Is this true? Also, do pins 2 and 4 on the 35Y4 socket need to be jumpered together? I'm looking at a 46-200 schematic because it has a similar rectifier/dial lamp circuit as my 46-250 and it appears so. My lamp is connected to pins 1 and 2 of the 35Y4 socket but I don't see where pin 4 is connected to the lamp at all.


Check for exact tube specs & pinout data here: Free online Tube manuals diagrams can get you focused on your question you are asking here. Hope this info helps!

Thanks Tex,

I use the duncanamps data base for the tube data and I've got all that. The tube data sheets don't say if pins 2 and 4 on the socket of the 35Y4 should be jumpered together. And I'll check again but I didn't see a resistance value for pins 1 to 4 on the 35Y4 on these data sheets. This value isn't that critical. I'm not gonna tear up the chassis to install different sockets to accomodate tubes that didn't come with the set originally.

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