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GE Model A-64

I am looking for any information on a GE A-64 Tube radio.. I have a chance to pick one up for about 75 dollars and want to know if that's worth it.. Its 540-1800 KC and 5400-18000 kc 6 tubes.. Anyone have any info on this.. Problems good bad?? ETC.. I did download a schematic from Riders but it really not to clear...



GE A-64 "Fish Mouth" with original finish / restored electronics.

I paid about that much for this one. It is not a bad radio, better than an A-63 but a far cry from it's big brother an A-82.

The curved top is cool. The "Fish Mouth" robot dial feature has never been popular. For this reason they are probably cheaper than round dial or slide-rule models. 

"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

Ok Thanks for the response. I will go back to store tomorrow and take a few pictures to see what condition its in.. Maybe offer less to see if they take it.. Are they easy or hard to work on?

Do you happen to have better schematics and or paper work than I was able to get from Riders?


Hi Neighbor,
I gave it the once over and it's seems to be a pretty average set. No rf amp, single end audio output, and no listening to a 75mtr AWA AM PM net.
The diagram in Riders looks really pretty good on my laptop. I use to toolbar spin it around and access the + and - sizing icons.
I kinda like the "fishmouth" GE's but have never owned one.
I did have a GE console at was a little older or newer and think it had rubber wire in it.


Hi Terry, I found it in a antique shop in New Berlin up here by me.. I didn't look it over well just copied down model Number.. I will probably go back there tomorrow to look at it better..

I would prefer a Philco since I know I can get help.. Do you have any that you haven't had a chance to look at and might be willing to sell? If so PM me..

Anyway thanks for the response.. Nice to hear from you ..


 It's probably a fairly straightforward set to work on, since G.E and RCA used to share a lot of ideas, in Canada they used to share chassis. Some G.Es had the colour tuning indicator feature where the dial would change colour when you were on or off a station, though if someone tried running such a set with the bulbs missing or burned out it could damage the saturable reactor.

Looks like I replaced the rubber wire in the set pictured above.





"I just might turn into smoke, but I feel fine"

Thanks everyone.. I am going to look it over today.. I can do the electronics but when it comes to the Cabinet I cannot do that, so Hopefully its not to bad..I was lucky with my 42-1012 the Cabinet was really good..

Does anyone refinish Cabinets here?

I will take more pictures and see what they will take for it..

Thanks for all the input..


        Nobody seems to answer,,,,on able to refinish any cabinet on the site,,,,I presume they have too many,,, to do for other close friends,,,,very Understandable,,,,CHEERS

Ok, I Understand.. That's why I look at the Cabinet first before I even consider it..

If it doesn't look good I pass on it..

I guess that's why I don't find many if any at all to buy..

Oh well..

Thanks Again..


All, I was just looking at the schematic of this radio.. And there were 2 types of Electrolytic Caps..

Dry Electrolytic and a Wet Electrolytic Whats the Difference?

PS also there are no polarity markings on any cap on schematic..


(07-04-2016, 02:17 PM)vecher Wrote:  All, I was just looking at the schematic of this radio.. And there were 2 types of Electrolytic Caps..

Dry Electrolytic and a Wet Electrolytic  Whats the Difference?

PS also there are no polarity markings on any cap on schematic..


 The wet ecaps had a liquid solution in them. A electrolyte borax solution. They usually are dried out by now though I have opened some up that still had the liquid in them.

Ok, Thanks.. Can I use regular Electrolytic caps for both? Or do they make Dry and Wet ones nowadays?


You can use the regular dry type. Just make sure the voltage rating of capacitor is as high or higher than schematic calls for.
I took a quick look at your schematic and it looks as though the center tap of transformer is grounded to chassis which means your new ecaps c-14 and c-33 will connect with negative to ground of chassis.

Great.. That's what I wanted to know..Now hopefully tomorrow they will still have the radio at the store and the condition isn't to bad to look at..

They were not open today..



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