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Heath IM-13 VTVM resto

While waiting for some caps from Mouser for the capacitor tester, I noticed my neglected Heathkit VTVM sitting on my shelf, pointer sitting idly at zero, cold and quiet - but sending me a message loud and clear that she wanted to be next on the list. Soooo, here's the story: This is one my uncle also built in '64, and I have had since a youth. It never did quite work right, so I didn't use it much. Cant find the build manual, but did find schematic online. "Some" calibration instructions also located, but rather vague. I have the mounting bracket "somewhere", but never recalled having the construction book. Here's the rest:

What surprised me was to find this had a battery inside, and even more was the fact that this battery hadn't leaked and corroded things! That battery had to have been in there for over 40 years, and could even be from when this was constructed in 1964!

If I could find the place called "Somewhere", I could find "Anything" Icon_confused


Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me , believes not in me but in him who sent me" John 12:44

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