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Two antenna leads?

Hi, I have a Wards 62-319 that has two antenna leads, a #1 and a #2, as well as a black ground. The radio is Broadcast, Middle Wave and Short Wave. The #1 antenna receives great on Broadcast, the #2 lesser so. What is the purpose of that second antenna lead? One piece of documentation says when using the #1 lead twist the #2 lead together with the ground. When I do this there is a slight improvement in reception. 
Thanks, Alan

What you describe so far makes sense.
When using a dipole for SW (they probably had such a model of antenna)  it would have been connected to the two antenna leads.  But when using a single wire feed you would normally connect the antenna/black to ground.  Some radios (RCA for one) used a terminal strip with a link jumper to facilitate this.

Thanks so much for your reply. So this Airline radio either came with a dipole antenna, had one available as an accessory, or there were generic ones available. When using the dipole for the shortwave band (or possibly for either shortwave or broadcast?) the #1 and #2 leads were attached to it. Without the dipole the #1 lead is the long wire for both broadcast and shortwave and the #2 lead combines with the black ground wire to ground. Is this about right, or am I still messed up?

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