(11-06-2016, 02:53 PM)sam Wrote: picker
if you could show a good pic of bottom of chassis. we could see in are heads better
or if some one had touch wiring already
their are several pic hosting apps. I use photo bucket but it not great
(11-06-2016, 02:53 PM)sam Wrote: picker
if you could show a good pic of bottom of chassis. we could see in are heads better
or if some one had touch wiring already
their are several pic hosting apps. I use photo bucket but it not great
(11-06-2016, 02:53 PM)sam Wrote: picker
if you could show a good pic of bottom of chassis. we could see in are heads better
or if some one had touch wiring already
their are several pic hosting apps. I use photo bucket but it not great
if you look at the jumper wires you will see green is negative and yellow is positive and did you notice the green speaker wire at the bottom of the cap where does that go to thanks
also if you look at the picture with the 15 mfd cap still attached to the chassis there is a red wire going to the 40 uf cap with green tape attached which also goes to tube 80 and also another red wire going to the terminal wire next to it
(11-07-2016, 04:58 AM)the picker Wrote: Hi after looking at the chassis and the earlier drawing I am not sure on connecting the 15 uf cap just wondering if anyone can help me thanks
Plus side goes the plus side of the 47uf cap. Minus side goes the #77 the 1 megohm resistor. Find #77 on the pictorial next to the schematic, as you find it in your chassis it will have a brown band, next a black band and a green band. One side of this resistor is connected to another resistor #76 a 100k ohm resistor and it has a brown, black, yellow bands. This is NOT where 15uf connects but to the other side of the one meg ohm resistor #77 This side has a lead connecting it to the power transformer (yellow/green wire). Also there is a wire going to the spkr field coil connected there too.
When my pals were reading comic books
I was down in the basement in my dad's
workshop. Perusing his Sam's Photofoacts
Vol 1-50 admiring the old set and trying to
figure out what all those squiggly meant.
Circa 1966
Now I think I've got!
(11-07-2016, 08:26 PM)the picker Wrote: so you are saying the positive side of the 15 uf cap has one connection and the negative side has three connections thanks
When my pals were reading comic books
I was down in the basement in my dad's
workshop. Perusing his Sam's Photofoacts
Vol 1-50 admiring the old set and trying to
figure out what all those squiggly meant.
Circa 1966
Now I think I've got!
I looked at the radio and if I connect the 15 uf to the positive side of 40 uf cap I have 4 wires left 1 the green speaker wire ;2 the one that goes to resistor 77 and on to the power transformer; 3 another wire that goes to what looks like a small power transformer in the middle of the chassis ;and 4 a red wire that goes to a terminal lug that has a brown green orange resistor attached and red wire that goes to the if transformer and a wire that goes to the power transformer in the middle of the chassis