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Philco 48-472 Code 121

Looking for service manual or Sams Photofacts in electronic format for the Philco 48-472, Code 121, 7 tube radio. Daughter Carrie and I are at a standstill on our restoration until we locate a downloadable pdf version. Need to help cross referencing the many, many mmf capacitors in this radio. If you have a scanned copy available, please let us know. - John, Fairfield Ohio

Chuck Schwark offers high quality paper copies of Philco service packages here.

This is a fine service, which I have used several times. Chuck also has a lot of valuable information on Philco restoration on his site.

If as you said in your post, you want a pdf copy, try here: I've never used this service, so I can't vouch for it one way or the other. It's not free, but the $9.50 price beats Sams.

I looked at this free site, but couldn't find the 48-472 listed.

Another free site: Their schematics are in djvu format, not pdf. The one time I tried djvu with the free reader, it didn't work very well, and the schematic was unusable. You may have better luck. It's free, so you don't have much to lose by trying it.

John Honeycutt


Sorry, but my Schematic Info page states that I only have service info from 1928 through 1947.
I have nothing for 1948 Philcos and later, like the OP is requesting.


You can also find the 48-472 schematic here:

Please note that the schematics here are also in djvu format.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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