08-22-2018, 07:04 PM
Good afternoon all, I was out with the wife running around today and she showed me this old Philco TV set. Once I saw it I knew I had to have it. Now it is third on my list of restoration projects behind the 1929 R-32 Victor. Anyway, since I'm new to all of this I thought I would posts some photos and see if you all could help identify what I have, so I can do some research and see what all might be available for it regarding restoration. I paid $70 for it so I don't think that was too bad. Also, I rotated the photos on my computer and they still post sideways.
1929 Victor R-32, 1933 60L, Phil 40-158, Phil 42-400X, Phil 47-1230 Radio/Phono,, 1950 Phil TV t-1104, Air King 4000, Philco 41-105, Philco 37-675, RCA Victor 9K2, PT-50, Phil 54C, PT-44 Cabinet, Phil 118X Cabinet