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GE 200 Reception issue

Well I have a GE200 which we replaced the capacitors on, cleaned, lubed, tubes checked and a couple replaced and while it plays great above 850 below 850 we get squealing, and very poor weaker reception. Any possible suggestions for a cause/solution?  It is a 6 tube AC/DC set in prettty good shape overall. This seemed a simple enough job but this is the hobby that humbles.  Icon_confused

Thank you.



first radio ive seen that flips the dial string like the belt on a Chevy Corvair!

my gut tells me that you have a bent fin on your tuning cap when its rotated down in that area...

but.. im sure you've already checked all that basic stuff but it wouldn't hurt to take a closer look.

they are not supposed to be touching ever correct? so im assuming if you put your meter on ohms and connect on either side of the tuning cap(s) ,, you would find that kind of a problem,, or by eyeball

the hallicrafters i did up for my son makes all kinds of noises if the band spread is moved anywhere beyond 60%... since he keeps it on around 20,, he never has an issue.

When you did the recap did you check R4, R6, R22?

Hi Paul,

Are all the 12 volt tubes, metal tubes? This might make a difference if some are Glass. Or maybe one you replaced is causing the issue. I’ve had this happen before. Also, poor ground connections to chassis could cause strange behavior. Just some of my random thoughts.


“People may not remember how fast you did a job, but they will remember how well you did it”

Just did a GE 100 that was missing the bottom label so I mistook it for a GE 200, as they look identical on the outside. Once I got the chassis out, I found the difference right away....the 100 has one less tube, making it an AA5. After finding the correct schematic it was a fairly straight forward recap. I would try the easy stuff first, like swapping out tubes. I had a 5 tube Philco once that acted the same way...I wasn't getting half of the dial. As soon as I swapped out the faulty tube, the full dial came back. Metal verses GT tubes could make a difference as well.

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

Poor IF alignment could do that, but there is also a resistor in the local oscillator circuit that can cause that if it goes off in value, this is with the usual pentigrid convertors like a 12SA7/12BE6, I think it's around 47K ohms, or possibly 22K. If it isn't either of those things start looking for faulty mica caps in the oscillator tank circuit, if there are any, some of those post war micas were of poor quality and can go bad.

Thank you all, I will check metal tubes and the tuning cap too. Not having my readers on it could be a bent fin. Other than the Rectifier and Audio output I think all should be metal tubes and they are but I will check, maybe a chance to look tomorrow. 

I am fairly sure we checked values on all resistors, what a memory!

btw -I have looked at a couple of chassis photos online, in some there are 4 metal tubes in others 3 metal tubes, it may be a glass 12 SK7 not a metal one, I will give it a shot. I found a new ols stock tested strong Glass 12SQ7 so iwill swap for the metal one, and check tuning cap tmrw. I have a GE 202 and it has same tubes but 1 more glass so we will see.



This may be unrelated to my problem with reception. Many of these style GE's have a metal piece secured to the bottom of the set by one chassis screw. There is not one on mine, so what did this piece do other than create a bigger hazard if chassis was hot?

Would it have anything to do with reception?

see this one...

Just thinking.............................I could not get the particular image to show in the post scroll through the pics for this set.



Just posting to see if anyone knows about the large metal piece on the bottom of the case? I updated my last post so perhaps it is a mystery or perhaps it just is fading down the list a bit. 

Many thanks. 



I can not get the picture of the bottom to show.


Lexington, KY
"illegitimis non carborundum"

Maybe the plate is being used as a ground plane for the ant. Since it has a connection for a external ant. Just a guess!!! Would not be hard to try.

Interesting. My model 100 didn't have such a metal plate.

Greg V.
West Bend, WI

This is the only set in my limited time in this hobby I have seen with this plate.



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