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Just Got a 38-116XX

I picked up this 38-118XX (121) locally yesterday from the original owners nephew. His uncle lived five blocks from my first house in Minneapolis and was a member of the Minnesota DX Club. Nephew offered to play it for me but I declined. I prefer to smoke in private. Luckily it came with the original instructions and schematics.

Not sure what the added seven position switch (upper left) in back is for. It is wired to the "RED" chassis screw. The two gizmo pics appear to be a brewed directional antenna that swivels and pivots. Why the nine volt?





The finish looks good enough to me to avoid refinishing. I would appreciate some tips on cleaning and getting rid of the fine cracking in the lacquer. Re-flow? Clear overspray? I won't even think of tackling the electronic refurbishing of something this complicated. Hopefully I can find a pro nearby to do the heavy lifting.

After the sickening revelation that Stephen's 690 came from within driving distance, I had to jump on this runner-up for $75. It's hard to comprehend how Philco sold so many of these when they cost 5-6 weeks pay in average 1938 wages.

Phil aka Philbert Q. Desenex - Twin Cities, MN

The set looks like a million bucks. I wouldn't worry about what that thing is in the back of the cabinet. Things like that are good trash can filler.

Clean the cabinet with machanics' waterles hand soap (ex: Go-JO) It may bring the cabinet up to looking pretty good.

That "mystery box" may be someone's attempt at an active antenna?

Regardless, as Doug said, your 38-116 looks very nice. Congratulations on your acquisition.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Yep. That's a homebrew active antenna for a little "boost" when tuned and peaked in the band the radio is receiving.


Thanks all. I'll try the active antenna sometime. I'm assuming it is used in lieu of, not in addition to a long wire.

How does the perfomance of this set compare to say a 12 tube Zenith? For the price differential you would think the Philco much the lesser set. I'm betting brand snobbery and the sexy black dial command the premium. If I understand correctly, three of the Philco's tubes are somehow used for the automatic tuning which would seem to make it equivalent to a Hi-Fi 12 tuber. Or as often the case, I could be all wet.

Phil aka Philbert Q. Desenex - Twin Cities, MN

This is also on my "short list" of console radios that I am looking for. Others are a model 680, a 37-690, a 37-675, and a 116X.

My new place has mucho room for consoles, so I am now openly and unashamedly looking for consoles. And as my friend Henry Harmony, a great American, always says, every new console means you have a place to put another table model.


Great find, Phil.

As for the finish...don't try any reflow tricks and I don't think it merits an overspray. I'd try one of the off-the-shelf restoration products before anything else.



Do you mean like the Howards Restore-a-Finish? Is something else preferable? Should I rub a little with 0000 and mineral spirits after Go Jo cleaning? What is the type of hand cleaner to avoid? I know there are a couple of types.

I was showing it off to my cousin today. Not impressed. She didn't realize it was not the 37-620 previously in the space. Of course this is the same person that does not know if she has a 4, 6, or 8 in her car. Luckily her hubby buys the family vehicles.

Phil aka Philbert Q. Desenex - Twin Cities, MN

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