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41-608 tonearm pivot

The tonearm pivot on the 35-1233 changer of my 41-608 is stiff to pivot.  In the image below, the tonearm lift (circled in green) moves up and down, and left and right, as expected during the Reject cycle.  However, the tonearm bracket (circled in red) barely rotates.  Trying to pivot the tonearm by hand requires more force than would be provided by the stylus tracking on a record.

I've applied penetrating oil to every location in the entire support assembly which I see rotates, but the pivot is still stiff.

Any suggestions as to why the tonearm pivot is so stiff?

There might be some dried hard grease in the pivot parts. If the oil that you applied does not get things moving in a few days try taking some mineral spirits and apply to the many points. Charcoal lighter and mineral spirits are one and the same so one does not have to buy a gallon. May take up to a week to get things working. Good luck David

Thanks! I'll give that a try.

I figured out the problem.  Underneath the clutch, Tab A was not in Slot B, but was jammed into the end of Tab C.  Once I got it back into its proper place, the tonearm pivoted properly.

This whole thing on the first photo looks like it could use a bit of cleaning and lubricating. And not with penetrating oil, which to me is not a proper lubricant, but with a good grease that should be used in it.

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