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1950 Philco Model 123 AM Radio, Antenna Terminal

Is there a best way to use the single-screw terminal on the back of this 1950 Philco?  (best antenna type, possible grounding needs, etc.).  I have restored and aligned it, and works great with the loop.  Any input is very appreciated. 

Good afternoon! Could you possibly attach a photo to show us the connector? Could you also verify the model number? 123 doesn’t sound right. It’ll probably be 50-xxx.


Philco 46-480
Philco 49-906

Not a Philco but common during that time frame page 2 ant hookup.  David

It's probably Code 123.

Thanks all. Sorry about the model #. It is a 50-922, and yes, run # 123.

Not sure how to post a picture on this site. Any advice?

the lead for the screw terminal connects with one of the leads going directly to the internal loop antenna. Once I find out how to post a pic, I will. Many thanks....and Happy New Year everyone.

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Philco 46-480
Philco 49-906

Some info from Beitmans.      


Thanks everyone. hope the pics work. and thanks for the schematic. Mine has the 50C5 aud. output and 35Y4 rect.

I have tried only a long wire on the external terminal. Get some overloading on strong stations actually using the wire, but weak ones are strengthened. This is during the daytime.

Your antenna is working as intended. The loop antenna is an rf transformer with the connection available for an external wire antenna. The signal on that wire brings in a stronger signal resulting in more gain to the radio.

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