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Philco 16B restoration

I recently acquired this Philco 16B code 125. It has been worked on prior and I will need some assistance from the more learned members while I attempt to restore it.  

When I was taking the chassis out to clean it up I noticed these two wires attached to the transformer attached to the speaker. I have no idea what the purpose of these two clamped wires would be. If someone could enlighten me as to why they were soldered here, it would be greatly appreciated. I am still a novice at radio repair.

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That's an easy one. They're for an auxiliary battery (just kidding). Actually they would connect to a remote speaker. If you follow the wires under the speaker frame they are probably connected in parallel with the speaker voice coil. The voice coil and the purple wires are connected to the secondary winding of the output transformer.

Thanks very much Rod. Appreciate the prompt response.
My inexperience will show again in later posts as I start work in earnest on this radio. My repairs up until now have been on radios that had not undergone a lot of previous repairs.

I think someone simply try to use an extra speaker. No other reason.

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