Hello Phorum Members: I am attepting to reassemble my 37-640 during restoration but have encountered a problem reinstalling the bandswitch. I have inserted the shaft of the bandswitch with the flatside up so that it will be in the BC position but it seems to get stopped at about the last wafer position and will not go in all the way. Can anyone offer any suggestions of what I might try ar what the problem is. Thanks--John
Thanks for the replies. I finally was able to wiggle the shaft of the bandswitch and it slid into place, however while I had the chassis tipped up on its side, a strange looking piece fell out!!!!! I have included 3 photos of the piece. Does anyone know what this is and will my radio ever work again?--John
1. Yes, I think I know what it is. It is the piece that goes over the shaft and rotates, switching between the contacts.
2. Try to get the photos a bit sharper. It actually hurts physically (for some people, me in particular) to look at blurried photos.
People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.
Thanks for the replies. Hopefully, when RODB take his 38 model apart, he will be able to ID the part. I will try to get better photos but that may be the best my old tablet can do for close ups. If this part turns out to be part of the RF bandswitch, what is the chance of finding a replacement or is it not worth it and just put the radio in the trash---John
Good question about the chances.
But I see that the "D" is still preserved; that gives me hope it could be somehow re-installed (wonder why it fell at all).
As for the tablet cams...use the phone. Their rear cams (that is, if you have a cell phone; some folks have ideological objection to them, which I fully understand) today are amazing.
And then just drop the pic using your phone as the tablet to access the Phorum. I do that sometimes.
People who do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat red meat will one day feel really stupid lying there and dying from nothing.
OK, I have discovered that the part is one of the roatating contacts for the bandswitch. It has 4 different orientations for placement and only one is correct for proper function.---John
I think that part is meant to be a permanent part of the switch.
I took a look at one I had lying around. The wafer with the stationary contacts appears to have "fingers" holding the "rotor" in place. I marked one in the picture below (you can see one):
Maybe you damaged one or more fingers and it got loose? I kind of thought the engaged contacts would have held it in place (would think there are some for each position).
I suspect it would be possible to replace it and the contacts would hold it in place long enough to get the shaft put in place. You have to figure out how to not put it in "backwards". Even if the fingers are busted, the contacts may be enough to keep it from "wandering" on the shaft? Just guessing...
Is that the last one of the lot? If so, maybe that's why the shaft finally went in.
Can't think of anything witty.
Greg O.
Whitehall, PA
Greg, thanks for the reply. Yes, it was the last one so you may be correct that it was why the shaft finally went in the last couple of inches. Your photo may give me some clue as to wether I can attempt to reinstall it. I am still not sure what to do. Thanks again, John
I suppose that if every thing down stream from the antenna transformers is OK, the radio should “work”.
If, you clip a wire (small antenna) on to the RF tube grid cap you should get some reception. You are bypassing the antenna transformers. See the schematic and you’ll see what I mean. It will work better with them (transformers) but ought to work to some degree without them. What could go wrong ?
Others may have suggestions too.
Can't think of anything witty.
Greg O.
Whitehall, PA