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OK I got a 48-482 on flea-bay. The seller said he thought the speaker had been changed (I'm guessing the 2 wire nuts in the speaker leads didn't look OEM) and it's obvious that the loop antenna is out of a much smaller set like a 42-250.

So the speaker has been replaced with a PM speaker and the 2 field coil lines are cut where they come out of the chassis. I have not pulled it apart to inspect the work done cuz I know I wont like it. Icon_lol

So, would anybody like to take a WAG as to a good starting value for a resistor to replace the speaker field? I'm assuming I need to get 1/2 way close, then get the chassis running, then adjust the resistance to get the correct bias on the audio tubes. Good plan or better idea?

Thanks, John

Las Vegas, NV USA

Looks like 1100 ohms on the schematic on nostalgiaair. Doubt you will find a 1100 ohm resistor, so would recommend a 1200 ohm resistor at least 20 watts. Richard

You haven't lived until you have restrung a dial cord on one of these.

Las Vegas, NV USA

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