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I am looking for a Zenith...maybe....with the tuning eye

I told my father (who's 77) I may pick a radio, fix it and give it to him, and he said he'd like one but it has to be with a tuning eye, for nostalgic reasons.
So I think I'll be looking for a tombstone-size or similar (read - not a floor type) Z-brand radio with the cabinet that does not need lots of work (I ain't good at it) and the chassis, as long as it is not thoroughly rusty or mangled, will do.

If anyone's aware of something, please let me know.


I dunno about a Zenith with those qualifications.. Other than the Walton sets I can only find a couple of that brand tabletop with the tuning eye. A 9S324, a 10S443 (Ugly 1940 set) and a 7S323 (same cabinet as the 9S324.)

I'm far from an expert, but have you considered a nice RCA? Lots of tuning eye models to choose from and you don't have to pay the "Brand Z Tax" tm.

Whatever looks good and has short waves. And the tuning eye.

Waltons...too expensive.
RCA would do, but hadn't seen lots of those either on ebay.

Where are you located at? I found mine on craigslist (RCA 9T) and my consoles through am auction. I recall seeing a 6T on craigslist recently... Anyone else have any thoughts?

One cannot forbid people to be idiots....all one can do is try not to be one. -Morzh

The RCA would be a cheaper alternative. Assume you want a tombstone or cathedral set?

Some '36 and later Silvertones also had tuning eyes and are very nice.

Good call on the Silvertone! Some real nice looking sets with the tuning eye.

One cannot forbid people to be idiots....all one can do is try not to be one. -Morzh

Hey if it don't have an eye just add one. Heck add two a 6E5 on one side and a 6AL7 on the other. Oh and good measure get one of those little skinny peanut jobs for the dial pointer.


I'm in Jackson NJ.

Wards-airline made some cool looking sets with the tuning eye too. I'll keep my eyes open for you. If I see something that might be suitable I will PM you.

One cannot forbid people to be idiots....all one can do is try not to be one. -Morzh

An RCA set would be a good alternative to a brand Z, and it would likely be a better performer on shortwave as well. There is also Airline, Silvertone, Stewart Warner, FADA, Grunow, Sparton, Crosley, G.E, and several others that used Magic Eye tubes.

If i had something laying around I'd send it your way but I think the only set I have with an eye toob is the National. It's one of my favorites!

GL on your seach!!
ps I saw this article on replacing the 6*5 tube with a 1629 (military 6E5 w/12v heater). Scroll down the eye article.

Price may be a bit high... I'm not really sure what the going rate is for these.

One cannot forbid people to be idiots....all one can do is try not to be one. -Morzh

Hmmm... nice original shape, but on the high side for a six tube RCA.

If it wern't for that crack in the veneer on the rolled edge.

Ha Ha even the model # is an eye toob

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