06-01-2013, 03:55 AM
This is a very interesting thread!
It is very much like the "battle" we have here in Denmark with the Bang&Olufsen brand. I'm not able to give a lot of inputs on the Zenith products because they were not sold over here. I do have a Z console myself, a 12U159, and to me it sounds wonderful, but as mentioned in another reply I think the acoustic adapter on the large main speaker has a lot to do with it. It is very easy to tune the sound to the room. I have an unrestored Philco, so I can't really compare the Zenith with others, and we didn't even have those large powerful consoles here.
Well about the B&O brand, it was in my opinion always overrated. Especially later on when they started all their modern design models late 50's - early 60's (among lots of other brands as well). Although Denmark is a very small country, we had more than 30 companies producing radios/tv's (only 24 of them managed to produce tv's) from 1925-1975.
The only one left now is B&O, and they are HIGHLY overrated. In a biography about the B&O company, one of the founders Peter Bang or Svend Olufsen told, that they were not even that good at building radios
They were better at the AF section. And I heard a lot of the older technicians say the same thing: vintage B&O radios/tv's are in general only standart engineering/products. Other brands where a lot better tecnically. Just like it seems with the Zenith products.
The brand that could manage the highest overall quality here was Neutrofon, and later Linnet&Laursen. Early Neutrofon radios are rare because they were very expensive. Linnet&Laursen started in 1946. The founders, Harald Linnet and Valdemar Hofman Laursen were B&O employees until they split with them to start their own factory, building higher quality products.
It is very much like the "battle" we have here in Denmark with the Bang&Olufsen brand. I'm not able to give a lot of inputs on the Zenith products because they were not sold over here. I do have a Z console myself, a 12U159, and to me it sounds wonderful, but as mentioned in another reply I think the acoustic adapter on the large main speaker has a lot to do with it. It is very easy to tune the sound to the room. I have an unrestored Philco, so I can't really compare the Zenith with others, and we didn't even have those large powerful consoles here.
Well about the B&O brand, it was in my opinion always overrated. Especially later on when they started all their modern design models late 50's - early 60's (among lots of other brands as well). Although Denmark is a very small country, we had more than 30 companies producing radios/tv's (only 24 of them managed to produce tv's) from 1925-1975.
The only one left now is B&O, and they are HIGHLY overrated. In a biography about the B&O company, one of the founders Peter Bang or Svend Olufsen told, that they were not even that good at building radios

The brand that could manage the highest overall quality here was Neutrofon, and later Linnet&Laursen. Early Neutrofon radios are rare because they were very expensive. Linnet&Laursen started in 1946. The founders, Harald Linnet and Valdemar Hofman Laursen were B&O employees until they split with them to start their own factory, building higher quality products.