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buting new tubes

This is my first Philco. Its a 47-1230 and I need to replace some tubes. Does anyone know where I can purchase online or even better in person somewhere near New Yok City?

Also, does the schematic number 90 corresopond to this model?

And is it common to get good short wave signals from London, Japan etc?

a novice thanks you,


I believe that the 90 is a radio from the 30s. You can find a schematic here:

You can also order printed schematics from Chuck at the Philco Repair Bench. Often times you get additional information not posted on websites, not to mention nice clear copies.

Hi Sam,
If you are new to the radio restoration, you might want to read a little bit about the operation of these sets. If you just bought a Philco 90 (which there are some variations) and powered it up and it did not work, the tubes may actually be fine.

There are other parts that must be replaced like the filter capacitors.
Often replacing these will bring the set back to life.

(Rebuilding bakelite block caps are a whole different subject, but they are easy to do.)

Appplying power to a set that had not been serviced can result in damage to irreplaceable or expensive parts like the transformer.
If you haven't read this you may find it informative.

You have a nice model set there, and we would not like to hear that something burned up,(by just replacing tubes only) requiring more work. A little cheap insurance (preliminary tests anf canging capacitors) is cheap insurance that you will not damage anything.

Take care,
Gary Rabbitt [Image:]

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