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philco 46-1201

hi guys
as i have only done 1 recap set so far which turned out easy no problems and worked (lucky) as i bought a 1201 on ebay guy said it worked but weak ya was crappy. arived in yep pices he refunded me got to keep it. some one else had recaped it . powered it up with veriac no shorts or smoke lights up all tubes light. as i can not pic up any am or fm D**n condo i have to use small am transmitter picks up weak and motor boating with sqeals any one have parts locator list ? it has 2 antanna wires coming from tuner and coil both about 6inc long cut just laying ? and last it has a long sqaure block with three wire on it ?
thanks sam

If you go to the Home page on the site you will see a menu heading for Knowledge Base. Under the pull down there is a further menu item for Schematics. On that page you will see a list - if you dont find your model, further down the page is a list of links where you can find schematics. Many of the schematics include tube and parts layouts. But you are on the right track - you need a schematic at a minimum.

Are you sure you don't mean 46-1201? There is no such thing as a 36-1201.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

oops sorry 46-1201 not 36

You can find a schematic for the 46-1201 here: and here and here .

I changed the title of this thread to 46-1201 to avoid confusion.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

hi guys
thanks for info maybe this isn`t a good project to start with. i check all seams ok just need 2 more caps to do. i put transmitter right up to tuner picked up loud had to turn tuner all the way to left untill it stoped hads a slight vibration in sound nothing changes when i tap tubes speaker was repaired bad job of it as it is rock hard half way around it`s oval shaped i left on about 2hr seams ok maybe an alignment as transmitter is at 1600 not 500
thanks ron

1600 - 910 = 690 At that spot on the dial you would be able to hear a strong 1600 KHz signal. 500 (more like 540 at the bottom of the dial) would be way off. I see no adjustment for the bottom end. Are the IF's tuned to the proper frequency?

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