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Philco 41-608 Clarify neg lead on cap #21A


Ron, referring to my first post and the reply you gave to help me out with several questions, I still need clarification on cap 21A & 21B.
My schematic shows the negative lead of 21A is connected to the junction on the resistor bar (#77) where the values of 26 ohm and 28 ohm meet.
The other end of the 26 ohm is connected to chassis ground. So it seems it is slightly above ground. Not being picky... just to be sure what you meant.

Anyway you were saying that this negative lead on 21A is tied directly to ground.

"But the negative lead of electrolytic 21A DOES connect to ground. "

Also on my schematic, as you said, the negative lead of 21B connects to
B- ..... which shows as the junction, again on resistor bar #77, between
(looks like) the 268 ohm value and the 780 ohm value. Wondering if you
would comment on this. I note that the capacitor that is in there now (not the original) has the single negative lead tied directy to a terminal strip ground leg (riveted to chassis). This makes the result somewhat different than the orginal design.

Thanks for all your time, Ron .... or anyone else having taken the time to wade thru my muddle of words, ha.

Best regards to all Icon_smile

Harlan, Hi. I believe that neg of 21Bgoes to the ctr tap HV secondary and between the 780 ohm and 268 on what is most likely a candohm multy tap resistor. The neg of 21A goes to junction between 28 ohm and 26 ohm on that same resistor and through a 4.7 Meg to grid of 7C6 (1st Audio. What has me puzzled, and I'm sure Ron will know, is 21 (8mfd)
has negative grounded. I say puzzled because most times when an electrolytic cap is designated 21, 21A, 21B, the three caps are in the same can and share a common ground, the can. Here, if the schematic is correct, the 21 cap would have to have an independant ground. RON

Hi Harlan

You are correct - I was wrong. I must have been half asleep when I made that post in error regarding the negative lead of condenser 21A. Icon_redface

I went back and corrected my post in your previous thread on this topic.

Yes, the negative lead of condenser (21A) connects to the junction of the 28 and 26 ohm sections of the Candohm (B-C) resistor (77).

Addendum for PL:

The original condenser (21) would have had three separate positive leads AND three separate negative leads; since all three negative leads connect to different points in the circuit. Of course all three positive leads also connect to three different points...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thaks Ron, that was bothering me. Were the caps in one can? PL

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