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Philco 66

hello, i have some question about of philco 66

has it the edge with black paint or varnish or black dye?

thank you, Mauricio

(edited by site admin to shorten URL above)

Hi Mauricio

I shortened the address of the link above to keep the page from scrolling way over to the right.

The trim and edges would have originally been finished with black lacquer. The rest of the cabinet would have been sprayed with the equivalent of today's Medium Walnut toning lacquer. I believe the black trim would have been done AFTER the cabinet was sprayed with Medium Walnut.

Interesting sets, the early 66B and the 60MB (same cabinet, different grille cloth). I always thought they were very European-influenced, they do not look like a typical American tombstone yet were designed by Clyde Shuler, who gave us all of those lookalike 1932-33 Philco cathedrals (52B, 71B, 91B, 43B, 80B, 81B, 19B, 89B, 14B, 16B, 17B, 18B, 44B and a few others).

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

thank Rom, one question, because i don ¨t undertand,

is the back lacquer the termination of transformers philco ?

it is correct ? in spain is Black paint, and the rest of gabinet is barniz

i wait your answer , thank you, Mauricio

Hi Mauricio

I think perhaps we are running into a language barrier here. I don't understand what you mean by "termination of transformers" or the word "barniz."

So please allow me to run my previous post through Altavista's Babel Fish - be warned, however, that this may not translate exactly right!

El ajuste y los bordes habrían sido acabados originalmente con la laca negra. El resto del gabinete habría sido rociado con el equivalente de la nuez media de hoy que entona la laca. Creo que el ajuste negro habría sido hecho DESPUÉS DE QUE el gabinete fuera rociado con la nuez media.

The above paragraph was translated with Altavista Babel Fish:
And if it did not translate correctly, blame them, not me. Icon_smile I do not speak Spanish. But I hope this will be helpful to you.

I think perhaps you may be asking if the black trim was sprayed on with the same paint used to paint Philco transformers? Perhaps. But I feel you should not mix enamel and lacquer on the same cabinet.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN


If I had to guess,

I think the "gabinet" (cabinet) " barniz" is Varnish perhaps?

And I think that "Termination" would refer to finish.

So, I think he's asking about the finish on the transformer or as before, the trim?

I know Bablefish can be far from the real translation, but gets you into the ballpark.

hello sorry my ingles is bad, In spain the paints have different names, ii wil explain as best i can:

the transform of philco have one pain, which is the name ? back lacker ?

in spain we use dyes and after transparent varnish, there is back , green ... is it that have the trim and edges ?

Is the difference between meduun valnut and the back laquer only the color ? component same ?

i wait your emai, sorry my ingles is bad,

Hi Mauricio

No apologies needed. Icon_smile

Lacquer is the material originally used on Philco cabinets. Yes, I think it would be safe to say that the only major difference between the tinted lacquer which was the color of medium walnut, and the black lacquer originally used, would have been the coloring - the medium walnut was tinted just enough to give the color of, well, medium walnut; while black lacquer would have had a heavy black pigment in its formulation.

Most likely, given the wide use of lacquers at the time, black lacquer probably was also used on the transformers and other components which were painted black. The trim on a 66B and 60MB cabinet is most certainly black. The main portions of the cabinet, though, are Medium Walnut.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

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