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A 1936/37 Silver 146 "Sylvia" NEW PICS

Found this on CL. Went and picked it up today. $40. It actually still plays. Love the dial!


Gene, that is a really nice style radio especially for that price. Great buy. Looks like it needs some cabinet work on the finish, hard to tell from the picture. I would grab that in a heart beat.


A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

That looks like a "Plant A" special made in Chicago. Does it have a TRF AC/DC chassis inside or does it actually have a power transformer?

Update with new pics.

Thanks Jerry! I have seen only a couple of these and figured I couldn't let this go by. Yes, the cabinet needs some work. Looks like a coat of shellac was put on it at some point. The guy I bought it from said it was his great great grandfather's, and it looks pretty much unmolested other than the case.

You are correct, Arran. It is a plant "A" Chicago built radio. Tube line up is: 6A7, 6D6, 75, 43, 25Z5, and K49c ballast. Super het. Here is a link to RM


That's a beautiful dial when it's lit up. Good find!

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

That's a nice looking radio and doesn't look hard to work on either. I love those multi-color dials!

No matter where you go, there you are.

Great,great grandfather! Icon_lol How old is this guy? 7? Icon_lol My great great grandfather was born in the 1860's! Icon_lol Well, I suppose... gggd passed on long about '43...Icon_think Yes, I suppose... Icon_idea It is, after all, at this late date, also... OOPS. Made a mistake: Great grandad was born in the 1860's. Great, GREAT Grandad was born in the 1830's..., so no. Mine could not have purchased one!

Exceedingly neat set, love the dial.



Would depend much on the part of the country. In some areas of the south (and this is not to dis the south, they were different times), a generation was as little as 15 years. The average for the longest time was 20 years. So, one's great great grandfather could be still be alive today, given the current trend toward longevity: many folks are living past 100 years these days.

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