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Philco Question...

Did Philco ever make a radio with a tuning eye?

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

Now that is a good question of which I don't know the answer but waiting for an experts answer. Perhaps it was the didn't want to pay the royalties to use the eye tube? Seems the only thing I have seen was the shadow meter.

A friend in need is a pest!  Bill Slee ca 1970.

Don't think so they had thing called a Shadowgraph. Only use it up to '38

No prewar USA-made Philco ever had a tuning eye. I don't think any postwar model did, either, but not 100% positive on that.

There were a few Philco radios made in the UK in the 1950s that have cathode-ray indicator tubes.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Thanks guys. I'd like to get a radio with a tuning eye. I was hoping there was a Philco with one. I've got one with a shadowgraph.

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

"Shadowgraph" is Zenith's term for this type of tuning indicator.

"Shadow Meter" is the correct term when referring to Philco tuning indicators of the moving vane type.


Thanks Chuck. I originally typed Shadowmeter, then changed it. For some reason I can't keep that

The artist formerly known as Puhpow! 8)

Question then. If Philco did not use a tuning eye tube then why did they put out tuning eye tubes with their name on them? I have 2 NOS ones.

Philco was also a tube seller. All about the bottom line, my friend, all about the bottom line. They did not use tuning eye tubes in their radios, but if they could sell tuning eye tubes to repairmen, they were happy to do so...

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

Ooophs I thought it was a Shadowgraph. I learned something new today.
Tnx Chuck

It never fails to amaze me, the amount of knowledge that Ron and Chuck have at their fingertips.

That is one of the reasons that this site and Chuck's site are the best.


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