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Thoughts on a McMurdo Silver Masterpiece VI Speaker

I say go for it . Just don't start turning consoles into clothes hampers.

Ron ..That was the way to go why spend thousands on a speaker when you can make a couple of adjustments and put another speaker in its place. What are so special about the speaker that came with the set? With todays know how the speakers of today should be a lot better than the ones of the 1930's as long as they can be retrofitted. Let me know what you think.

Hi all. what is the tube layout for the power amp for the Mcmurdo V1 power amp?

(02-22-2013, 04:43 PM)morzh Wrote:  If this thing drops in your won't be able to think of anything else for a while. I promise you. Icon_biggrin

Sore Bawlz Time, for sure!

Talk about a speaker having an impact!


Thank you for the impedance info on the double field coil in post #10. I was able to test a Masterpiece V last week for my boss after wiring up a suitable choke, resistor, and output transformer based on your measurements. Now that we know the radio works, we can box it up and store it away for future work.

Thanks again,


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