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Hammond 124E transformer - error in datasheet

The numbers did not make sense (impedances vs turns ratio) so I called them. Spoke to a guy in tech and he said that the datasheet is in error and the turns ratios are:

1:1.2.968 (serialized outputs; the datasheet calls for 5.94)
1:1.484 (paralleled outputs; the datasheet calls for 2.97).

This makes impedances work out.

Another error is it lists 7000 Ohm at the CT on the transformer symbol.
According to the rep this is not correct, he did not give me correct number but I think correct should be 15K/1.414 = 10,600 Ohms.

Just in case you use it and want to know the conversion.

Thanks for the heads up! Icon_smile I had to go double check I hadn't ordered one of these.. but I bought the 125H instead.

125H is an output transformer, I am talking of an interstage type. Big difference.

I realized that after I wrote what I wrote.. I should've deleted it. The 624 I restored had an open primary on the interstage transformer. it was the 124D we figured out would probably be the best match. so I knew the 124 series factored into my memory somehow.. ;-)

124D would work but the ratio of 1:1.5 will cut the volume noticeably, considering the needed ratio of 1:4.

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