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111 grillcloth cardboard frame.

I seem to recall that the frame is held in place by pressure from the speaker frame pressing against the padding surrounding the circular area...if that makes sense.

Ron Ramirez
Ferdinand IN

That does make sense except how does one align the position when installing it.
But then yes, if it was all glue I'd see much residue, and the cloth would probably be torn off.

The board was loose when I tool the speaker off.

Good Job with those cuts , using a chisel obviously can work if your careful.. Thats why I suggested the saw a bit easier once setup, but Well Done.

thanks, Warren.

As for the cloth,

1. yes it is held by sheer pressure of the speaker against that felt ring.
2. I also noticed that my cloth which ever way you install it shows two areas that has no pattern on it. If you install it vertically the sides will show no pattern, if otherwise - then top and bottom.
Given the fact the cloth is glued to the cardboard I am not sure how it could shrink and why in only one dimension.

This is the image from the 111 now on eBay: you could also see some pattern-free areas at the top and the bottom, but mine is more pronounced.


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