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philco 41-220 Questions

Hey Guy's
I have a Philco 41-220 that I'm having a problem with the alignment. 
Here is the link
Here is a some info I came across which pretty accurately describes what I'm hearing 

I have tested the tubes the only problem is the 35A5 is replaced with a 50A5 could this be a problem?

Is there a way to find if there was a change in this radio concerning the IF can's? I ask that in #26 the 2nd IF should only have one trimmer and I have two? I also checked the Resistance of the coils and they are 25 & 26 ohms and the print shows 60 & 8 ohms??

When doing step one where it calls for hooking the signal gen "ant section of tuning section" are they referring to 5B?

Should I put a .05 cap in series with the signal lead? Should I disconnect the external antenna in this first step? I don't seem to pickup a tone at 455.
the other steps I get a tone at 1600 and 1500.

Thanks Eric

I figured out what I did wrong! #9 a .25 cap also had a wire wrapped around one end and electrical tied to that end and then to ground. and that end of the cap went to the center of the 7c7 which when I checked was not grounded even though it looked like it was so I added that wire to ground and that took care of it!



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