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Fisher X-101-D or Eico ST 70

So I need your opinion on which one should I keep. Both have 7591 output tubes but the Fisher I believe has a built in multiplex, correct me if I'm wrong. I will provide pictures soon, having some issues with photobucket.

pictures i hope ! of the Fisher[Image:]

And pictures of the Eico that i have already finished the rebuild, and it sounds fantastic. So someone tell me will the Fisher perform better.[Image:]

I've had both and I'd keep the Fisher. No multiplex in the Fisher as a MPX is used in a tuner or receiver. The X-101-D does have a strange bias set up but it's a great sounding amplifier.

You'd probably get more $ for the Fisher (if both restored,) but probably not a whole lot of difference otherwise.

Well i tried to sell the Fisher and no takers, so i'm keeping it and selling the Eico. The Eico is restored and the Fisher is not but i will remedy that real soon. Thanks everyone for the input and suggestions.

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